Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Compilation of work

These videos show clips of my work over the project.

Render lighting

Basic lighting for underwater scene.

This shows how I wanted a fog in the distance although I'm not sure if I will go with this for the final result. 

Seeing the different colouring of the sand although I don't think I'll go with this because it seems to indicate a shallow water.

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Short clips of trial animations.

This shows the basic start of my animation and the movements I'm trying to create. 

Here my character is attempting to cross a crevice and reach the other side which is quite a height above. This just shows the basic movement I'm aiming for.

Rock texture

These show different lightings, which I was playing with to try and create the best effect with the rock texture. I will also alter the lighting as the creature moves into the other environment.

Below I show the other lighting options I have been testing out for the environment which will effect it greatly. 

Texture and opacity for the natural character

I wanted some sort of texturing for the natural creature but this seemed too harsh.

So in the trials below it shows the opacity being played with to make them seem more natural.

Outershell development for natural character

Here I was trialing using cloth to make the natural character seem as though it is floating.

Lighting from the underside

I began with the lighting of the character coming from the edge of its sections. However it makes more sense for the narrative for it to be just at the base of the character.

Character in the environment

Sky dome trial

I started off trying to use a sky dome as my underwater lighting and background.

Although the ripples of the underneath look convincing the overall look doesn't seem cohesive so I will experiment with other lighting instead.