This shows the new add pin, how I would want it to look in the app.
Hannah refined it slightly and then I've gone on to add the ability to add a group, with a colour picker and adding a name and description.
Here it shows how the user can pick an existing group to add their pin to. I tried to keep this really simple and clean-cut with the drop down being a shade darker to show they are existing pins.
These are some of the colours that we looked at for inspiration because they're so simple and not over the top. I wanted a range of colours for the user to choose from but not ones that would clash and were too extreme like the 2 bottom colours.
These three screens show the pin pop up in its 3 states:
- the 1st shows what we see when you drop a pin. I've added in a title because we decided as a group that when you clicked on a pin later, you needed some sort of reference to what the pin was, beside the full description.
- the 2nd shows when you create a new group from the pop up menu. Here is where the colour palette above came in and I made sure to add in small box with the current colour that's picked.
- the 3rd shows when you want to choose from an existing group. I found this an interesting aspect of the pin drop as it had to show the existing colour of the group and the name, but without over cluttering the box. I felt that this worked well and when minimised looks clean cut, but has the ability to expand seamlessly.
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