Saturday, 21 June 2014

Environment- rocks and trees

For the surrounding environment the basis was to keep it quite uncluttered but to also have things like trees and rocks to both keep the environment realistic but also to have things that we could use to force the players to use different tactics and to work together,

For instance if we wanted the red to have to go a different way than the blue player we would use enemies to lure the red player a certain way and then use things like rocks to block off the path so the blue couldn't save him if blue enemies arrived. 

A precedent I used for inspiration

Here I tried different types of rocks to create layered effects and see what type of atmosphere I would be creating with them. The stacked ones look better I feel as they have more complexity and would fit well with the totem poles and cultural aspects we plan to bring in throughout the game. 

For the trees I wanted them to stay as if they had died slightly and were spindly with no greenery or life to them. 

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