Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Level design

The player would begin with a group of characters and would have to try and get as many of these to the end of the level as quickly as possible.

Pathways that require characters to be sacrificed may include a tall obstacle, which can be climbed
over by making a ladder out of the groups’ bodies. However once the majority have climbed up the
ladder there would be the struggle of how to get the characters that made up the base of the ladder

up to the top, so some would have to be left behind.

Another circumstance would be that they have to cross a river and that characters have to cross the
bridge in pairs because the wind is too strong but if you’ve sacrificed characters and have an odd

number in the group then a lone character would be swept away.

As a reminder of how the player has treated the characters, at the end of each level the characters that had been left behind would be displayed in the manner in which they had been sacrificed.
For instance if a character had been blown away and washed down the river, they would appear dripping wet, waterlogged and exhausted. One abandoned by the wall after being used as a ladder might just be slumped against the wall, miserable.

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